How Stress Affects The Immune System

According to several medical researches, stress has certain effects on the immune system. Ninety percent of diseases and illnesses are related to stress. Examples are cardiovascular diseases, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and many other illnesses.

An interaction of cellular products and cells is basically your immune system. The main cells called leukocytes (white blood cells) are known as the fighter of your immune system and is divided into three classes; the monocytes, lymphocytes, and granulocytes.

Stress is considered an internal factor that can bring about a poor immune system. This is due to your body's natural response to stressful events. If your nervous system (autonomic) is frequently activated because of chronic stress, your immune system's capabilities will be diminished.

If you're still not convinced, here is a list of the effects of stress on the immune system.

1. Increase in sympathetic activity and a decrease in cellular immunity.

2. The immune cells tend to migrate to other body parts which can worsen allergic conditions and autoimmunity.

3. The immune cell's positive acute mobilizations are suppressed.

Many years ago, very little information was known about the effects of stress to the human immune system. But because of the medical researches undertaken by many medical professionals, the relation between stress and the immune system has been established.

The strategy that you choose in order to cope with stress has a large impact on your immune system. Your immune system's resources can be tied up because of negative emotions. By inhibiting expression of such negative emotions, you're doing more harm to your immune system.

If you feel that you're stressed, it would be best to seek medical attention immediately to prevent any negative effect on the immune system.



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